How to use coins

How to use DOPE Coins?

As per our Gift Policy, When someone sent you gift then you received gifts are converted into Dope Coins. Then you can redeem this coins from Dope Coins Wallet.


To Redeem your coins from Dope Coins wallet

1. Tap Profile in the bottom right.

2. Tap the 3-line icon in the top right.

3. Tap Wallet > Redeem Dope Coins.

4. Obey the instructions for redeem.

Note: When you reach 500 dope coins then, you can withdraw dope coins.

How to use DRIP Coins?

As per our Gift Policy, Drip coins are used to send gifts to someone during in live or there created videos and if you don't have enough coins, you can recharge it and sometime you may get coins from ads or may not.

To Recharge your coins

1. Tap Profile in the bottom right.

2. Tap the 3-line icon in the top right.

3. Tap Wallet > Recharge Drip Coins.

4. Obey the instructions to redeem.

Note :Drip Coins are only for send gift to others account.

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