Misbehave In App

How to clear cache from inside the app

  • Tap Profile in the bottom right.
  • Tap on the three-line icon in the top right corner.
  • Select "Clear cache" or "Clear storage", depending on the level of clearance you desire.
  • Please note that choosing "Clear storage" will delete any data associated with the app, such as login credentials, settings, and preferences.
  • Confirm that you want to clear the cache by tapping "Clear".                

How to clear cache from mobile device

  • Open the "Settings", scroll down and tap on "Apps" depending on your device. then find the app for which you want to clear the cache.
  • Tap on "Clear cache" or "Clear storage", depending on your desired level of clearance If you choose "Clear storage", be aware that this will also delete any data associated with the app, such as login credentials, settings, and preferences.
  • Confirm that you want to clear the cache by tapping "Clear".

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